Readers regularly share stories of school classmates or
work colleagues that depict the people in question as insufferable, annoying,
arrogant, know-it-all, self-serving, cloying, petulant and more.
An underlying theme when flaying these people, with whom
the readers have spent a significant amount of time, is that they hope the
offenders would someday get their comeuppance. Occasionally, readers also
comment about how a former classmate who fits one or of the descriptions above
has been caught doing something wrong, often quite publicly.
Recently, one such character was accused quite publicly
of plagiarizing major portions of his work from other writers. The allegations
were that he didn't attribute passages he used in his articles and books to
both well-known and not-so-well-known writers.
The response on social media was swift. Some leaped to
his defense and saw the allegations as a smear campaign. Others fell just short
of calling for him to be pilloried in the public square. The target responded
to the allegations by explaining that he did not plagiarize and that when
various issues regarding his work were called to his and his publisher's
attention, they were fixed.
There are no small number of writers, politicians,
preachers, academics and others who've been caught trying to pass off other
people's words as their own. Even those who face significant public exposure
sometimes regain their former popularity. The public, notoriously fickle, can
be outraged one day, forgiving or forgetful the next.
It's fair and ethical to want people caught doing wrong
to take responsibility and be held accountable for their actions.
Some former classmates and colleagues of the fellow
recently accused of plagiarism seemed to take joy in learning of his plight.
They exhibited a sort of schadenfreude -- a glee over someone else's
misfortune. People seem to take a particular delight in witnessing those who
moralized against certain behaviors getting caught engaging in the very actions
they once condemned. Hypocrisy elevates the sense of glee.
Granted, the man accused of plagiarism wasn't just anyone
suffering a misfortune. Some of his classmates and colleagues weren't all that
fond of him to begin with.
Is it right to feel a sense of glee over the misfortunes
of others?
While it may be common and in some people's nature to
take such delight, the right thing to do is simply stick with the conviction
that if someone did something wrong, he or she should take responsibility and
be held accountable for the behavior.
Expressing glee over their misfortune runs the risk of
the gleeful finding themselves behaving in a way they found objectionable in
the first place. It ups the chance that they will turn into the people they
swore they'd never become. The right thing is to be touched instead by those
"better angels of our nature" which Abraham Lincoln cited in his
first inaugural address. (Some say Lincoln borrowed the phrase from Charles
Dickens, while others claim the source was Shakespeare.)
Jeffrey L. Seglin, author of The Right Thing: Conscience, Profit and Personal Responsibility in Today's Business and The Good, the Bad, and Your Business: Choosing Right When Ethical Dilemmas Pull You Apart, is a lecturer in public policy and director of the communications programat Harvard's Kennedy School.
Follow him on Twitter: @jseglin
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