Sunday, July 14, 2019

Be thoughtful about what you post, reach out to those who are hurting

Years ago, I suggested to one of my relatives that she might want to rethink her Facebook profile picture. She was about to graduate from college, had started interviewing for jobs and had a Facebook profile picture that suggested she liked to party extensively.

Her public profile picture was available for everyone to see, even prospective employers. She changed her profile photo.

A few years later after a mass shooting incident in the United States, I noticed that another relative's Facebook profile photo was of her holding a handgun in preparation for shooting. She was not a gun owner, nor an avid hunter. My understanding is that a friend had taken her target shooting and she liked the photo.

After the mass shooting, I mentioned to her that her photo might be sending a message she didn't intend. Because she has posted it long before this mass shooting, I wanted to remind her it was up there. She changed her profile picture.

Both of these cases remind me that many of us give far too little thought to the things we post publicly on social media. It's too simple to forget there are people who see or read our posts and might be affected by them. Setting a post so it appears only to selected friends doesn't ensure that one of those friends might decide to share our posts more widely.

Granted, it can be fun to live vicariously through a friend's posts when he travels or experiences one of life's milestones. But it's not as much fun when a colleague posts a long note on Facebook about how horrendous things are at work, cites specific people and experiences and expresses a level of frustration that borders on hopelessness.

What is the right thing to do when you are on Facebook or another social media site and you find a colleague's anguished post on your newsfeed because a mutual friend commented on it even though you're not a Facebook friend of the poster? If you comment directly on the post, you might fear coming off as a bit of a stalker because you are not Facebook friends with the poster.

If you don't post a sympathetic response, you might worry the poster will feel even more isolated than his or her post suggests. You also don't particularly want to commiserate publicly about your workplace because his or her issues with the company are not yours.

If you fear the poster is in danger to himself or herself, the right thing is to reach out to him or her or to someone else who might check on his or her safety. This doesn't need to be online, but rather can be through a direct call, text, email or, even better, in person.

Too often people forget when using social media just how magnified or misinterpreted their photos or posts can become. The right thing for each of us is to be a bit more thoughtful about what we post. In those moments when social media is used as a genuine cry for help, it's best to find a way for you or someone more qualified to respond to that call. 

Follow him on Twitter: @jseglin 

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